MiR Appoints Sorion as System Integration Partner

Sorion has recently achieved Certified System Integrator status for Mobile Industrial Robots (MiR).

The partnership was officially confirmed by Adrian Howe of MiR at the recent Advanced Engineering exhibition. As a Certified System Integrator, the company will continue offering customised AMR solutions to industrial, manufacturing, and logistics customers to suit their application needs.

Steve Hayes (Commercial Director, Sorion) pictured with Adrian Howe (Business Development Manager, MiR)

The combination of Sorion’s engineering expertise, customer application experience and MiR’s proven AMR technologies ensures our customers benefit from effective, fast, and seamless AMR adoption.

Recently, a team of seven engineers from Sorion visited the MiR headquarters in Denmark to take part in expert MiR mobile robot training. The training helped strengthen our team’s knowledge to optimally deploy MiR mobile robots.

The team of Sorion engineers at MiR

Thank you to MiR for choosing Sorion as technology partners. We are looking forward to further develop our relationship.

Our AMR capabilities

Integration with ERP/WMS systems

Integration with 3rd party technologies: Automated doors, Scanning tools, Collaborative Robots, Picking technologies and more.

Robot fleet monitoring and analytics